Philips Norelco 7300 vs Philips Norelco 9400

Philips Norelco 7300 vs Philips Norelco 9400 shavers
Profile photo of Shaver Dude
Shaver Dude Quick Thoughts

“Due to the extra cutting actions per minute, I think it is worth the minimal price increase to get the Philips Norelco 9400.”

Shaver Dude

The 9400 has an extra row of blades on the inside of each rotary shaver. This increases the cutting actions per minute and results in a better shave.

Given the closeness of price, I think the Philips Norelco 9400 is worth the upgrade.

Philips Norelco 9400 Shaver

Philips Norelco 9400

My top pick in mid-priced shavers.
Philips Norelco 7300

Philips Norelco 7300

A good mid-range shaver with a nose hair trimmer included.


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